Sunday, May 18, 2014

Adjustment Time!

Today I cleaned out the entire rabbitry shed/ barn, and I mean throughly cleaned it. All of the rabbits got time outside to roam in the fresh green grass and stretch out. I set up two more cages, grow-out pens, and will be getting some new outside cages for upcoming litters. All of the rabbits are fat, happy, healthy, and doing great! Oh and before I forget, Loretta's three blue kits have been named, as well as Patsy's five kits, who are three weeks old! Loretta's three...jewel inspired...Turquoise(Turk), Obsidian(Sid), and Sapphire. Patsy's five... Frozen inspired... Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, Anna, and Elsa.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

My First White Kit!

On April 25, Patsy had 5 healthy kits(4 blues & 1 white), I didn't expect all of them to survive because the first litter she had didn't survive. They will be 2 weeks old on Saturday and all are doing tremendous!